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Build date: 2013-05-16 14:36:50 (f9be68accb407158ba2b1be2c226a6ce1f649314)
 * Component layout for buttons
 * @private
Ext.define('Ext.layout.component.Button', {

    /* Begin Definitions */

    alias: ['layout.button'],

    extend: 'Ext.layout.component.Auto',

    /* End Definitions */

    type: 'button',

    htmlRE: /<.*>/,

    beginLayout: function(ownerContext) {
        var me = this,
            owner = me.owner,
            text = owner.text;

        ownerContext.btnWrapContext = ownerContext.getEl('btnWrap');
        ownerContext.btnElContext = ownerContext.getEl('btnEl');
        ownerContext.btnInnerElContext = ownerContext.getEl('btnInnerEl');
        ownerContext.btnIconElContext = ownerContext.getEl('btnIconEl');

        if (text && me.htmlRE.test(text)) {
            ownerContext.isHtmlText = true;
            // If the text contains HTML tag(s) we need to account for the possibility
            // of multi-line-text. We have to remove the default line-height set by the
            // stylesheet so that we can allow the browser to measure the natural
            // height of the html content.
            owner.btnInnerEl.setStyle('line-height', 'normal');
            owner.btnInnerEl.setStyle('padding-top', '');

    beginLayoutCycle: function(ownerContext) {
        var owner = this.owner,
            lastWidthModel = this.lastWidthModel;


        if (lastWidthModel && !this.lastWidthModel.shrinkWrap &&
            ownerContext.widthModel.shrinkWrap) {
            // clear any heights we set last time around if needed
            owner.btnWrap.setStyle('height', '');
            owner.btnEl.setStyle('height', '');
            owner.btnInnerEl.setStyle('line-height', '');

    calculate: function(ownerContext) {
        var me = this,
            owner = me.owner,
            btnElContext = ownerContext.btnElContext,
            btnInnerElContext = ownerContext.btnInnerElContext,
            btnWrapContext = ownerContext.btnWrapContext,
            mmax = Math.max,
            ownerHeight, contentHeight, btnElHeight, innerElHeight;


        if (ownerContext.heightModel.shrinkWrap) {
            // Buttons that have a shrink-wrapped height usually do not need any layout
            // adjustments beause their layout is handled in CSS. An exception is made
            // for buttons that contain html tags in their "text".  These buttons need
            // special handling to vertically center the inner element inside the button.

            // measure the btnEl (the anchor element) to determine the available
            // height for centering the inner element.
            btnElHeight = owner.btnEl.getHeight();
            if (ownerContext.isHtmlText) {
                me.ieCenterIcon(ownerContext, btnElHeight);
        } else {
            // Buttons with configured or calculated heights may need to stretch their
            // inner elements to fit.
            ownerHeight = ownerContext.getProp('height');

            // If height is 0, skip out all this
            if (ownerHeight) {
                // contentHeight is the total available height inside the button's padding
                // and framing
                contentHeight = ownerHeight - ownerContext.getFrameInfo().height - ownerContext.getPaddingInfo().height;

                // The btnElHeight is the total available height to be shared by the button's
                // icon and text.  For standard buttons this is the same as the contentHeight
                // but must be adjusted for arrow height if the button has an arrow.
                btnElHeight = contentHeight;
                if ((owner.menu || owner.split) && owner.arrowAlign === 'bottom') {
                    // If the button has an arrow, subtract its size from the btnElHeight
                    // padding to account for the possibility of an arrow
                    btnElHeight -= btnWrapContext.getPaddingInfo().bottom;

                // The innerElHeight is the total vertical space available for vertically
                // centering the button text.  By default this is the same as btnElHeight
                // but it must be adjusted by the icon size if the button has a top
                // or bottom icon.
                innerElHeight = btnElHeight;
                if ((owner.icon || owner.iconCls || owner.glyph) &&
                    (owner.iconAlign === 'top' || owner.iconAlign === 'bottom')) {
                    innerElHeight -= btnInnerElContext.getPaddingInfo().height;

                btnWrapContext.setProp('height', mmax(0, contentHeight));
                btnElContext.setProp('height', mmax(0, btnElHeight));
                // ensure the button's text is vertically centered
                if (ownerContext.isHtmlText) {
                    // if the button text contains html it must be vertically centered
                    // by measuring it and adding top padding.
                    me.centerInnerEl(ownerContext, btnElHeight);
                } else {
                    // if the button text does not contain html we can just center it
                    // using line-height to avoid the extra measurement that happens
                    // inside of centerInnerEl() since multi-line text is not a possiblity
                    btnInnerElContext.setProp('line-height', mmax(0, innerElHeight) + 'px');
                me.ieCenterIcon(ownerContext, btnElHeight);
            } else if (ownerHeight !== 0) {
                // Only fail if height was undefined, since it could be 0
                me.done = false;

    centerInnerEl: function(ownerContext, btnElHeight) {
        var me = this,
            btnInnerElContext = ownerContext.btnInnerElContext,
            innerElHeight = me.owner.btnInnerEl.getHeight();

        if (ownerContext.heightModel.shrinkWrap && (btnElHeight < innerElHeight)) {
            // if the natural height of the html content is greater than the height
            // of the button element (the anchor el), then expand the button element
            // to fit
        } else if (btnElHeight > innerElHeight) {
            // if the natural height of the html content is smaller than the height
            // of the button element then we need to pad the top of the btnInnerEl
            // so that it is vertically centered within the btnEl
                Math.round((btnElHeight - innerElHeight) / 2) +
                    // if the inner element already has top padding, as is the case
                    // when the button has a top-aligned icon, then add the existing
                    // padding to the padding adjustment.

    ieCenterIcon: function(ownerContext, btnElHeight) {
        var iconAlign = this.owner.iconAlign;

        if ((Ext.isIEQuirks || Ext.isIE6) &&
            (iconAlign === 'left' || iconAlign === 'right')) {
            // Normally right/left aligned icon elements are vertically stretched using
            // top:0, bottom:0, and the icon is vertically centered inside this element
            // using background-position.  This technique for vertical centering does not
            // work in IE6 and IE quirks, so the stylesheet sets a fixed height on the
            // icon element in these browsers.  If the layout changes the height of the
            // button the height of the icon element must also be modified.

    publishInnerWidth: function(ownerContext, width) {
        if (this.owner.getFrameInfo().table) {
            // if the framing template uses a table, we need to set the width of the
            // inner element.  Otherwise long text may stretch the element past its
            // allowable width in IE.
                width -
                // the inner el must be sized inside the owner's framing and padding
                ownerContext.getFrameInfo().width - ownerContext.getPaddingInfo().width -
                // There may also be padding on the btnWrap el, e.g. tab with close icon
                // or button with arrow. This reduces the inner el size even further.
